Saturday 31 October 2015

Art exhibition by Priyanka Priyadarshini & Dr. Sowmya at Cafe Ambroisie , Koramangala from 30th oct to 13th Nov 2015

Art exhibition by Priyanka Priyadarshini & Dr. Sowmya at Cafe Ambroisie , Koramangala from 30th oct to 13th Nov 2015

Cafe Ambroisie is proud to host artists and their works . This fortnight we present Priyanka Priyadarshini & Dr. Sowmya.

Priyanka PriyaDarshini , born and brought up in Orissa is an artist and art tutor at Konsult art academy, Bangalore. She specializes in water color, oil , acrylic ,pencil sketches and other types of art. She presents at Cafe Ambroisie collection of her pencil work(black and color), water colors, oil and acrylic paintings on paper and canvas.She can be contacted on

Dr. Sowmya.S is a practicing doctor specializing in shadow paintings . She believes art is an important factor in the healing process and that art is innates all. She presents her collection of shadow works at Cafe Ambroisie .

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