Monday 14 December 2015

Warli art demonstration by Savitha at Cafe Ambroisie , Koramangala bangalore on 13th dec 2015

Warli art demonstration by Savitha at Cafe Ambroisie , Koramangala bangalore on 13th dec 2015

Savitha demonstrated the warli art at Cafe Ambroisie . She explained the history and the concepts behind warli art .

Warli originated from the tribes of Maharashtra . Warli was used as a mode of communication among the tribes and depicts various scenarios from day to day life .It emphasises on relationships , enjoyment and harmony among people.

Warli uses basic shapes like circle (to depict nature), triangle (to represent bodies) , square (for holy places and functions) and lines .

Warli generally has people holding hands and dancing around in circles to the tunes of the trumpet played a musician at the center . This form of dance is called tapra.

In ancient times, warli was done on floors and walls smeared with cowdung/red oxide and pictures were drawn using ricepaste. Warli can be done on paper, cloth, boxes, mount board , card board wood etc.Pictures can be drawn using white fabric paint.

Warli is a simple art form with effective narration.

Cafe Ambroisie thanks Savitha and all who could make it . Looking forward to having you all for the next demonstration.

Friday 11 December 2015

Charcoal live demonstration by Nidhi Agarwal at Cafe Ambroisie on 6th dec 2015

Charcoal live demonstration by Nidhi Agarwal at Cafe Ambroisie on 6th dec 2015

Nidhi explained the basics of charcoal work and demonstrated the technique of using charcoal to create good art work.

Nidhi explained various types of charcoal tools like
> charcoal pencil
> charcoal stick
> charcoal powder

Charcoal pencil , stick and powder can be used in different combinations to create a great piece of art.
Pencil is used for sketching and detailing, stick is used to create patterns or for shading and powder is used to give darker/lighter shades .

Trees and flowers are Nidhi's favourites .

Nidhi demonstrated how to sketch trees within the cafe .Later , we moved outdoors and Nidhi drew a tree from the surrounding area . She used soft pastels to bring color to the work and drew flowers with it.

The audience were eager to try out the new technique . On whole , it was a very unique experience.

Cafe Ambroisie thanks Nidhi Agarwal and all who could make it .