Thursday 12 November 2015

A detailed session on "Art & Health " by Dr, Sowmya Suryanarayana on 8th Nov 2015

A detailed session on "Art & Health " by Dr, Sowmya Suryanarayana on 8th Nov 2015


Dr. Sowmya’s session on art & health on 8th Nov 2015 from 4.30pm to 6.30pm at Café Ambroisie , Koramangala , Bangalore was very informative and interesting.
Dr. Sowmya covered various topics like
Ø  Art and its purpose and contribution to health
Ø  Art and its relation to mind and intellect
Ø  Art helps in expressing knowing – self and thereby healing
Ø  Using art to cope with stress and adversity and building resilience

Dr. Sowmya burst many myths surrounding art like “art is only for the creative people” , “art is only for kids” and so on
Her session was supported by a recap on color theory , primary colors, secondary and tertiary colors , basics of shading and tones by Priyanka Priyadarshini.
Café Ambroisie thanks Dr. Sowmya, Priyanka Priyadarshini and all who could make it to the session.


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