Monday 30 November 2015

Landscape with water color demonstration by Savitha at Cafe Ambroisie, Koramangala 5th block on 29th Nov 2015

Landscape with water color demonstration by Savitha at Cafe Ambroisie, Koramangala 5th block on 29th Nov 2015

Savitha demonstrated how to paint a landscape with water colors. She discussed various concepts

> Light and Shade effects - How to manage the effects using darker shades of the color in shadow region and lighter shades in the region where there is light
>Reflection :- How reflection is formed in still water , water with ripples , shallow and deep water
>Perspective :- How to manage the distance of the objects with detailing

She demonstrated how to use water colors on hand made paper to include how to layer paints and concepts of water colors .

Cafe Ambroisie thanks all who could make it to  the demonstration and support us.

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