Saturday 11 July 2015

Pasta at Café Ambroisie –Koramangala , Bangalore

Pasta at Café Ambroisie –Koramangala , Bangalore



Pasta is a staple food in Italian cuisine. Pasta is similar to a noodle made from durum wheat.Pasta is available in over 310 shapes . Pasta is either fresh pasta or dried pasta. The commercially available pasta is the dried pasta . Pasta can be served as either a light meal or as a course ohe full meal. Pasta is served along with a pasta sauce.

There are many types of pasta sauce such as pesto, Arabiatta, white creamy etc. The amount and texture of the sauce in pasta varies as per the taste of the person eating it. Pasta is generally accompanied with a piece of bread to finish off the excessive sauce on the plate.

There are references of pasta or sheets of dough used as food in 1st century BC. However, dried pasta came into existence only by 14th and 15th centuries.

At Café Ambroisie one can enjoy pasta in the form of penne or spaghetti with arabbiatta or creamy sauce. Café  Ambroisie recommends garlic bread as an accompaniment with pasta.

As the pasta is made upon order, the customers at Café Ambroisie can alter the texture and taste of the sauces.


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